Sunday, March 2, 2014


I want to now go back and fill in details. That nitty gritty stuff but first the word hope is on my mind. We had a lesson today in RS about hope. And.....the best Mr. stayed home with sick kids so I could go and enjoy church myself! Someone may or may not have laughed that I "made" the bishop stay home with his sick kids instead of being at church, but it was his will I swear! 2 months ago I would have been in tears, but I laughed at the comment and didn't care. Sigh. Relief that I may be getting somewhere!

So. Back to hope. A sister shared that Elder Holland shared with her and her husband that the one thing you cannot live without is hope. That thought struck me. I so believe that! Those long, hard, lonely, tedious days were filled with hope. I hoped it would get better. I hoped I would be happy. I hoped that I would enjoy this new journey. I hoped that I could love ALL of these people. I hoped that I would not disappoint the Lord. It was through that hope that I found the strengthening power of the atonement. Through that hope came the desire to serve. The desire to be motivated. The desire to make a change. And it happened. I smiled walking out of there thinking: the days were so long and hard, but my hope is what pulled me through. And I have a stronger hope because of that.

So to all those bishops wives who are merely having a rough minute, hour, day, week, month or year hold onto your hope. Hope equals work. Lets do it!

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